As autumn finally descends on the Las Vegas valley, I thought it only fitting to take a few moments to express my deepest gratitude for the many blessings this world has provided. Words just cannot begin to express my deepest appreciation for my family, friends and good health without which none of my ambitions in life could ever have been realized. I am thankful to live in a nation that affords a person the opportunity to create, express and pursue endeavors as far as their imagination can take them, and remain grateful to the ones who selflessly defend it. Thanks largely to the creative genius of independent inventors and innovators, we all live in times of increasing abundance here in the United States and throughout the world. It is simply awe inspiring to look back at how far technology has advanced just over the course of my relatively short lifetime, and I can only imagine how far things will advance in the coming years. And though recent events remind us that the world is still a far from perfect place, I take great comfort in knowing that the spirit of innovation will continue to move humanity forward.
Happy Thanksgiving from The Thornton Firm.